For those who do not know what Attack on Titan, the story simply revolves around what is left of the human race living in the confines of a walled up settlement that has been section off into three cities, this settlement is now under attack from an ancient threat known as Titans; giant humans without genitals that consume humans. The story follows the humans struggle to survive and fight the Titan menace, this includes Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Captain Levi (these names have been replaced with Japanese one due to the target audience being mainly Japanese), members of the Recon Corp. that use steam powered grappling hook harnesses called 3D manoeuvre gear to bring down Titans. The manga and anime was praised for its drama, action, storytelling and violence. To make a live action movie so soon after the release of its source material should give you an idea of how impact-full this franchise has become.
What makes this new trailer so different is that the previous trailers really only set the scene for the movie and only showed us locations and and shots of a few titans including an epic shot of the colossal titan. This trailer revealed quickly edited footage of the main characters fighting Titans, the main characters in training and becoming members of the Recon Corp., seeing the 3D manoeuvre gear in action and a Rogue Titan fighting other Titans. Being excited to see this movie is an understatement, its got all of the signs of being a great adaptation of the franchise and i'm confident that it will be successful.
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